Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Wise Fool Process of Forrest Gump

INspired Action Journal -A Law of Attraction Publication of Bliss Studios LLC
Demonstrating what inspiration feels like so you can more readily recognize it and make your choice.

The Wise Fool Process of Forrest Gump

Forrest Gump. The mere mention of this name instantly conjures images of found love at the Reflection Pool and exhilarating phrases like "Run, Forrest, Run."

The movie "Forrest Gump" is fine example of conscious storytelling. This 1994 film is so universal and timeless that it already stands beside "The Wizard of Oz" (1939) as a beloved classic.

But what exactly is it about the character Forrest Gump that grabs our heartstrings?

I believe it is because the audience inherently recognizes "The Wise Fool" that he is.

What on earth is "The Wise Fool," you say? This is a character who is markedly different from others, considered to be flawed, not normal by society standards. But there is wisdom. The Wise Fool consistently chooses to accept the flow, in a child-like manner, moment by moment. Look at the movie and the definitionl is spelled out for you.

Gump is "flawed" by the world's standards. He is accused from an early age of being "stupid". He's too pollyanna, naive, gullible, too trusting, plain stupid. Yet, watch his magnificent story unfold... and see how he subtly infuses others with hope. It is dazzling to watch everyone rise to his simple, child-like ease of being.

Gump's quality of ease and positive expectation naturally causes Law of Attraction (LOA) to match him up with one rich life experience after another. And it happens effortlessly. Athletic prowess, college scholarships, introductions to heads of state, public recognition (which he shrugs off), the opportunity to help his fellow soldiers, more public acclaim (for which most enjoys ample amounts of Dr. Pepper soda,) an excuse to see the country on foot, the love of family, friends, wife, child and great wealth which he easily flows towards the family of a dead friend, keeping a promise, 50/50.

Everything goes Gump's way because he relaxes, he expects things to be okay. He doesn't struggle with Life, he allows it.

Forrest Gump, The Wise Fool, gives people the benefit of the doubt. He responds naturally to his life experience with joy or anger for a short while. But he lets loose so easily. Gump does not flail about, struggle, or hold grudges. He goes with the flow, knowing everything is turning out alright. He is IN the Vortex, as Abraham says.

Sometimes John and I will say to each other, "Let's Gump It." It is the Forest Gump Process.

One such moment when we say to each other "Let's Gump It" is when we see our friends struggle very hard in life. Someone has convinced them that life is a struggle. They have been convinced that their survival depends on the approval of others, or the forced action of getting something or getting somewhere. Sometimes we sigh as we see friends make a "career" of complaining about a person, place or thing. It is particularly strange that they often do not yet see they are struggling. But they will. Eventually, it will get big enought that they have to say, " Oh, boy what am I doing. I am complaining, I am criticizing. I am struggling. I am defeating me. I gotta stop that."

You simply can never truly be happy when you insist on complaining or criticizing any person, place or things. "Just Gump It."

We are all meant to float in Life, like feathers in the wind. Take it from Forrest Gump.

© SusanJoy Grieco About forward/copy to others: please send the message in its entirety.

Everything’s Going Our Way!
SusanJoy Grieco

Back issues of Inspired Action Journal are posted on www.Bliss-Studios under Newsletters.

Our next New Jersey Abraham Law of Attraction workshop is offered
on Wednesday 5/12/10
at 6:30 p.m.
in Bedminster NJ USA.

Our topic is “Satisfying Work and Career: Yours for the Having"

Friday, March 12, 2010

Wanted: Conscious Storytellers

INspired Action Journal - A Law of Attraction Publication of Bliss Studios LLC

Demonstrating what inspiration feels like so you can more readily recognize it and make your choice.

Wanted: Conscious Storytellers

When you were little what was your favorite bedtime story? I bet that the answer comes fast. I bet that you laugh as you recall the feeling of sharing your most favorite story, with your favorite people.

I love stories and metaphors in all forms. Whether the story is offered thorough art, song, film, comedy, dance, science or casual communication, the act of using your imagination to capture the essence, the feeling place, is empowering. Stories allow us to discover, to reveal, to lift the veil. And I have noticed that the best stories have a way of allowing you to be distracted just enough, that you may actually awaken to something about you or your perspective.

I enjoy the storytelling and films of M. Night Shyamalan. He is the writer and director of films such as "Sixth Sense," "Signs," and "Lady in the Water." In these movies, my favorite part is the moment when the character finds out who he really is. Who could forget the moment when Reggie realizes exactly why he is pumping iron only the the right side of his body? Goosebumps! Or how about when Merrill discovers exactly what "swing away Merrill" means? Ah, revelation. Or, when Malcolm realizes ... well, I won't spoil it for those who have not yet seen the movie.

Self-Discovery is a magnificent thing. I have noticed that every day is filled with "a-Ha!" moments. As I relax, trust and allow Law of Attraction to line things up for me, I assume greater clarity. Sometimes that means a Flawed Premise occurs to me, and I have the distinct pleasure of welcoming the Natural Premise into my life. Sometimes, I have moments that knock my socks off In the Vortex as I realize who I really am. I laugh as I see a montage of personal moments of Source calling me to this awakening.

Don't you just love the feeling of clarity? Isn't is cool to feel the door open? And isn't the real thrill knowing "I did that. I closed that gap. I got IN the Vortex."

It is sweetness.

All it takes is a willingness to see your life as a story in the making. And you are the writer of your story. So...what pleasing story will you tell today?

© SusanJoy Grieco About forward/copy to others: please send the message in its entirety.

Everything’s Going Our Way!

SusanJoy Grieco


Back issues of Inspired Action Journal are posted on www.Bliss-Studios under Newsletters and on the Message Board.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Your Song: Harmony in Motion (Part 1)

Your Song : Harmony In Motion (Part 1)

“Sing a Song! Sing a Song! Sing a Song!” - Earth, Wind and Fire

“Sing, sing a song, let the world sing along. Don’t worry that it’s not good enough for any one else to hear. Just sing a song. ” – The Carpenters

Did you know that you have a song to sing? It is your expression and yours alone. Each and everyday, you express this song in the living of your life. Your song is evidenced in the way that you awaken each day, whether you bounce out of bed or slide out of bed. Your song is demonstrated in how you greet your family and the people you meet each day. Your song is woven in the way you work and play, live and love.

Your song has many components: there is melody, rhythm, tempo, harmony and blend. Let’s take a closer look at what these mean to you, moment by moment.

Your melody is like your attitude, your habitual emotional perception of the world. Are you the lilting optimist or the stop-and-start pessimist? It is helpful to know that your attitude is a kind of vibrational melody swirling around you as you move through your day. Everyone can feel it, and some perceptive ones can “hear” it. Does it sound and feel good to you?

The tempo of your song is how you proceed through life. Some fly, some flow, and it is all good. Whether it is the pace of the tortoise or the hare, choose what sooths you.

Your song has rhythm, too. And as any DJ will 411 you, it’s all about beats. What is your rhythm like: a salsa, a waltz, a krumper, a quick-step, a tango? Optimally, your beats sustain you in life, not beat you up.

Harmony is where your song gets really interesting. First, there is matter of Harmony with you and You. Second, there is Harmony with you and the people, places and things attract to you. Are you in harmony as you move through your life, segment by segment? Do you feel good in your skin no matter where you are?

INspired Action is to do what comes naturally. To sing your song, to live in harmony with your sense of goodness, inspired from your own heart is bliss. And the by-product of this choice, as Law of Attraction kicks, is the synchronicity of more intoxicating opportunities.

Knowing your components- melody (attitude), tempo (pace), rhythm (movement) and harmony (variety)- and refining them, is Inspired Action. It is so simple. Just Sing, Sing Your Song.

(Next time in the IAJ Part 2 Your Song: The Blending)

Copyright © SusanJoy Grieco

About forward/copy to others: please send the message in its entirety.

Our next live workshop is "Relationships: The Heart of the Matter" on Wednesday 2/10/10 by RSVP on website.

Relax… Everything’s Going Our Way!
SusanJoy Grieco


Thursday, December 3, 2009

A Recipe for Deeply Satisfying Relationships

A Law of Attraction Publication of Bliss Studios LLC

An Abraham-Hicks INspired Recipe for Deeply Satisfying Relationships

2 cups of “You are a Worthy Being.”
2 cups of “You Deserve All the Good Things Coming to You.”
2 cups of “Only Good Things Come to You.”

1 cup of “I Like you Pretty Good Let’s See How It Goes.”
1 cup of “I am Responsible for My Happiness, You are Off-the-Hook.”

1 Tbsp. of Your Positive Expectation.
1 Tsp. of “I Can Direct My Thoughts to Better Feeling Thoughts.”
1 pinch of Abundance is Natural.
Apply “Focus Wheels” as needed.

Mix well, paying attention to your “Emotional Guidance System.”
Ladle into the “Freedom, Growth and Joy” Bowl.
Allow to Chill and take greater shape in the “Vibrational Escrow.”
“Feel your Way into Alignment, into the Vortex.”
“From In the Vortex,” see all your next logical steps (NLS).
When it feels right to take the NLS, sprinkle with the Zest of Life
Serve lovingly and fully to all “Compatible Components” attracted to you.

Terms & Quotes Copyright © Esther and Jerry Hicks
Recipe Concept & Arrangements Copyright © SusanJoy Grieco
About forward/copy to others: please send the message in its entirety.

Relax… Everything’s Going Our Way!

SusanJoy Grieco


Tuesday, December 1, 2009

SPECIAL EDITION - INspired Action Journal

Are You Practicing Preferring or Complaining?

The Holidays are here. We hope that you are enjoying all the “contrast and joy” (smile) that Holidays make available to us all. While I was digesting turkey and cranberry leftovers, I received a request from a long-time friend and client to do a soothing coaching call. The gist of the situation was this: Holidays bring up feelings of anxiety for this person. Then, they feel the sadness of lacking a mate. And although they are highly regarded in their work and life, my client says, “When the Holidays come, I feel like my mind and heart are whacked around in a blender. I want to finally take control of this.”

Naturally, the work is always to return to the self-empowerment of directing those thoughts, rather than allowing the old habits from childhood to take over. The golden nugget of this conversation turned out to be one worth sharing with everyone. We talked about the difference between making a preference and just plain complaining. Read on and sense if this rings any bells.

There is a very clear distinction between making a preference vs. choosing to complain.

A preference is made in a moment and feels like appreciation … then you move on to the new experience. A complaint goes on and on and feels irritating … then you stay stuck in that place.

If you are still unsure if you are now practicing a preference or complaint, ask yourself this: am I asking for someone or something to change so that I can feel better? That direct question will clear it all up.

And here is the path to relief: since the only thing that you have control over is you, always bring your inner dialogues back to you. Use a tool like lists of appreciation, or getting In the Vortex* to discover fresh perspectives. The power and clarity is in realizing that it is always “your stuff.” Leave everyone else out of it.

Of course, it is tempting to say, “But, everyone else is complaining about this person or that thing. Everyone else is doing it. So I figure that subject deserves my complaining, too. After all, there are many others complaining with me. And I don’t want to look foolish or inappropriate to my peers. And there is a kind of safety in numbers, right? I just feel more secure joining the biggest and loudest group. I feel more powerful when I am united with others in complaining about how wrong something is. It gives me a sense of meaning and purpose. And frankly, I just feel better complaining and getting this off my chest. So, why shouldn’t I say whatever I want to say, whenever I want to say it, to whoever I want to say it?”

And in that pointed conclusion, you are absolutely right. You are free to choose. However, if you keep complaining then you you’ll keep feeling irritated, or worse. Law of Attraction gives you more of what you focus upon.

So, so you want to be right or do you want to be happy? You choose.

Maybe this is just occurring to you for the first time.
Lucky you.
Now you are at choice.

Now what do you choose?

Preference and Appreciation means exploring possibility.
Complaint and Irritation means being stuck in a rut.

You get to choose.
They get to choose.
Everyone is free to choose.
How to choose and stick with a new choice? Use the tools to get IN the Vortex.*

*Note: The phrase “In the Vortex” is copyright © Esther and Jerry Hicks from the book The Vortex.

Copyright © SusanJoy Grieco

About forward/copy to others: please send the message in its entirety.

Relax… Everything’s Going Our Way!
SusanJoy Grieco


Thursday, November 26, 2009

Dancing Your Way to the Stars

INspired Action Journal
A Law of Attraction Publication of Bliss Studios LLC

Are you Dancing with the Stars?

I am flying high watching the TV show “Dancing with the Stars.” Why? Because it is fun, stimulating, and passion-filled. And the bonus is: you witness every aspect of Law of Attraction and getting IN the Vortex throughout the TV episodes.

Take a peek for yourself. Here is the intention of the show: celebrities sign-up to dance their hearts out, most with little to no experience. Now that is what I call an adventure. You can feel the excitement growing week to week. Look at how these people move their bodies. Watch the love grow between the professional dancers and the celebrities. Enjoy the relationships expanding between the judges, the dance teams and the audiences. And appreciate the way these people sway, swing, lift, kick, cha-cha, tango, foxtrot, waltz and charm their ways into our hearts.

There is the adorable Kelly Osbourne. She allows us to witness and to be a part of her discovery. What a gift. With little dance experience, Kelly evolves into a wonderful, capable dancer. She allows her expansion, and allows her expansion over and over, despite her weekly doubts and fears. You simply have got to love that. You go Kelly!

Then there is Mya. She does it her way. Mya, the artist, explores her place in this dance experience. She wants to go where no dancer on the show has gone before. Sometimes Mya is right in the pocket and sometimes she’s not. But she demonstrates what we call IN the Vortex or out of the Vortex, for everyone to see. I appreciate her adventure: a steady defining and redefining of “the best I can be.”

And then there is Donny Osmond. He’s the comeback kid. For anyone who has traced his evolution from a kid singing “I’m a little bit rock n’ roll,” to now, well it is just magic stuff to behold. I love watching him, glow and grow each week. Even when he has a wardrobe malfunction or goes over the top, he uses the contrast to his advantage. I enjoy watching Donny “own it,” or as we say in Abraham vernacular, “take the expansion.”

There is so much more to this show than meets the eye. This show demonstrates the natural benefits of contrast and competition. And it is so compelling to watch everyone - the dancers, the musicians and performers, the audiences and the judges- “take the expansion.”

You may never find yourself dancing on this TV show. But your “moments” happen daily, just the same. Expect your moments; listen for your inner voice. And in the ease of that positive expectation, go for life with the gusto you were born with.

Seize every opportunity to dance your way to the stars!

Copyright © SusanJoy Grieco

About forward/copy to others: please send the message in its entirety.

Relax… Everything’s Going Our Way!

SusanJoy Grieco

Thursday, November 19, 2009

INspired Action Journal - The Best is Yet to Come

The Best is Yet to Come!

There is a Chinese Proverb that goes: “May you live in interesting times.”

We certainly live in interesting, exaggerated times. There are issues like healthcare, education, poverty, national security. Just 10 minutes into any political talk show and you’ll hear: Who is to blame?

Government is an easy target: the candidates are often elected on a promise of change. But what happens when change is slow, or stalled? “Nothing changes, politics as usual,” is the common grumble. It helps to remember that with every complaint, there is a better version of government morphing in the future.

Right now, we all could use a break from the what-has-government-done-for-me-lately chatter. So here is one rampage for relief:

It is possible to look at our government, and say, some of it is working. Most of us live well. Maybe we ask too much of any government, looking to them to be a fixer of problems immemorial. Perhaps, it’s up to each of us to do the best in our lives. The Founding Fathers knew something about interesting times. They also knew the imperative of a dream, an ideal to look forward to. Suppose that dream is still alive and well. Maybe every time a business makes a sale, or a student graduates, or a senior citizen writes a memoir, maybe that is keeping the dream alive. We wanted freedom, expansion and happiness. And just maybe we are still on our way to becoming that dream. And aren’t we the lucky ones to dream our dreams. Perhaps, instead of waiting for a savior-leader to offer hope, we can be our own leader, discovering our inner well-spring of hope.

And maybe, just maybe, the best is yet to come, not just for our government but for each individual.

Copyright © SusanJoy Grieco About forward/copy to others: please send the message in its entirety.

Relax… Everything’s Going Our Way!
SusanJoy Grieco
